Rolling Thunder®


All’s quiet at the Pentagon

In DC’s early light

The city’s not yet stirring

Traffic’s not quite yet a fright

The first sign is a rumble

Sounds like it might be near

Then the first bike in’s the signal

Rolling Thunder now is here


The morning goes by slowly

Motorcycles trickle in

Small groups of bikers everywhere

Each telling where he’s been

From every corner of America

The Bro.’s and sisters throng

And by ten the Pentagon’s big lot

Is a hundred thousand strong


It all began some years ago

With just a group of six

Who decided to tell Uncle Sam

They never would forget

They rode in protest to the wall

With one mind and voice and heart

And a nation stopped and noticed

Rolling Thunder had its start


Now the years have gone by swiftly

The millennium’s at a close

Every year support increased

Each May the numbers rose

With great determine every year

They gather with one thought

Ones left behind and names inscribed

Shall never be forgot


At noon the bikes roll from the lot

All rider’s thoughts are one

Half a million pipes all sing the news

Rolling Thunder has begun

They’re rolling through the DC streets

Three abreast and six miles long

To the Wall they ride one mind and heart

Two hundred thousand strong