An Angel's Gift

Tonight I met an angel
In a most unlikely place
She had ringlet hair
Like golden fleece
And sunlight in her face

She asked me for my company
Would I sit and talk awhile
I didn't know the key
To the heart of me
Was in her angel's smile

Could I just provide assistance
Her request before we'd part
Make her harp to sing
Heal an injured wing
Fix a broken angel's heart

Her request was quite perplexing
An order tall for mortal man
I said I'll try to do
What you've asked me to
I'll do the very best I can

I did my best to do her bidding
And put a smile beneath her nose
To reverse her frown
I acted like a clown
And read her reams of rhyme and prose

Before I knew it time had flown by
It didn't seem that long awhile
The harp began to sing
We'd healed her heart and wing
And she was laughing like a child

As we parted I was elated
Feeling good for what I'd done
It made my heart light
To help her through this night
Her goodbye hug was sweet and long

All of a sudden came realization
That pain and sadness had left my head
It never was my call
For helping her at all
She was there for me instead.

© William G. Carrington - 11/14/1999

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