I Am An American

I am an American

Breaking that down I am
many parts
I am made from much diversity
All linked

I am a man but I also have
A sensitive side
I am slow to anger but my patience
Has limits

I have enjoyed a lifetime free and
Mostly happy
I have given joy to others but also
Made mistakes

I have worn many hats and
Some uncomfortable
Some however fit well and were
Worn proudly

My roots go deep in the annals of
Our history
As long as there has been America we have
Been here

The blood in my veins is from her
Streams and rivers
The substance of my body from the depths of
Her soil

By the grace of God there is
An America
By the shed blood of her sons and daughters freedom has
A face

As for myself I was born during the greatest trial of
World War Two
And my half century has seen the fear and horror of
Three more

I am fiercely proud to be a part of
This land
I love the 4th and feel the lump in my throat hearing
The National Anthem

I am able to be outspoken - opinionated - a business man - a biker -
a bitcher when I'm unhappy - and unashamed to have a tear in my eye
when I see Old Glory flying free in a good breeze

Our enemies can revile me - hurt me -
take my life and the lives of countless brothers and sisters -
but not with all the power of their most evil intentions
can they dampen one small particle of my spirit.....
because by God

I Am An American

© William G Carrington - 9/14/2001

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